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..- Who we are
..- Purposes & Mission.
..- Foundation Board
..- Partners & Sponsors
..- Brief history
..- 1951 movie-trailer
..- Full page + menu.
..- 2023: 90 years Eranos!


..- WebMaster Contact


P.O. Box 779, CH-6612, Ascona, Switzerland; Tel +41 791943090; - info@eranosfoundation.org

-Chronoprogram 2024; - Previous years' archives; - ERANOS CIRCLE; Privacy Policy

CAUTION (for people with impaired mobility) : the steep landscape in Moscia does not permit a facilitated access to persons with impaired mobility. People who are in that situation should contact the Foundation (see above) before planning their presence to an event in Moscia.



Eranos-Jung Lectures 2024

.. - The Great Worksites of Contemporaneity (2)

- 07.06.24, EJL04, Alessandra Cislaghi (Univ. Trieste

.. - Essere fuori di sé/essere in sé.,,,

- 04.10.24, EJL05, Massimo Donà (U. Vita e Salute, Milano)

.. - Dike, Polemos. Sul senso della guerra

- 15.11.24, EJL06, Carola Barbero (Univ, di Torino)

...Nov 11th 2024 1830... Monte Verità Ascona ... EJL06 Carola Barbero ... Una lussuosa bellezza ...

- 13.12.24, EJL07, Fabio Merlini (SUFFP, Lugano)

.. - Venire a capo di sé. ...

- Go To Full list EJL 2024





Eranos School 2024

.. - Titles 2024

- 06.04.24 ESC24-01, MUNDANEUM
..Mt Verità 10:30-17:30

.. - MUNDANEUM, il mondo cambiato



Eranos Tagung 2024

... -The Age of Disoriented Consciousness...


- 5.7 September, Tagung 2024, Casa Eranos

.. - The Age of disoriented consciousness...




.Eranos' special events 2024

.. - Titles 2024

- 15.02-15-11 2024, Eranos Colloquia

...Ponti Tra materia e spirito
... (7 conferenze)




. top "Homepage"

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.. top "Homepage"

Eranos-Jung Lectures 2024
Full list



.. - The Great Worksites of Contemporaneity(2)


- 15.03.24, EJL01, Massimo Danzi (Univ Genève)


.. - Tra Europa cristiana e mondo islamico...


- 12.04.24, EJL02, Franco Bonsignori (Univ. Pisa)


.. - Memoria. Percorsi di singoli e popoli


- 17.05.24, EJL03, Franco Giudice (U. Sacro Cuore,Milano)


.. - Magia e scienza in età moderna:...


- 07.06.24, EJL04, Alessandra Cislaghi (Univ. Trieste


.. - Essere fuori di sé/essere in sé.,,,


- 04.10.24, EJL05, Massimo Donà (U. Vita e Salute, Milano)


.. - Dike, Polemos. Sul senso della guerra


- 15.11.24, EJL06, Carola Barbero (Univ, di Torino)


.. - Una lussuosa bellezza: ...

- 13.12.24, EJL07, Fabio Merlini (SUFFP, Lugano)

.. - Venire a capo di sé. ...

...Date...Event ...Place ....Speaker... Title ...

Who we are / contacts

. top "Homepage"

The Eranos Foundation has the purpose of preserving and increasing the value of the rich cultural, psychological, spiritual, ancestral and archetypal tradition bound to the Eranos property in Moscia (Switzerland), in particular by continuing the series of academic seminars and meetings initiated in 1933 and known as the "Eranos Tagungen". For further informations see General Menu under Who We Are

<. top "Homepage"


Address of the property in Moscia:

Casa Gabriella
Via Moscia, 125
CH 6612 Ascona - Switzerland
Tel. + 41 (0) 91 792 20 92

Manager: Mrs. Monica PONGELLI

CAUTION (for people with impaired mobility) :
the particularly steep and narrow landscape at the Eranos property in Moscia does not permit a facilitated access to persons who have a disability that impairs mobility. We kindly suggest people who are in that situation to contact the Foundation (see above) before planning their presence to an event in Moscia.




Purposes and Mission of the Eranos Foundation

. top "Homepage"

According to the statutes the Foundation has the following purposes:
  • Organise the annual conferences called Eranos Tagungen in the spirit and according to the aims of the initial founder Olga Fröbe Kapteyn (comparative religion - ethics and moral - natural sciences).
  • The collaboration with other Institutions with the aim of generating additional meetings following the spirit of Eranos
  • The collection and publication of the conferences in annual proceedings (Jahrbücher) in collaboration with an established publishing house. The divulgation of the Eranos message through all the available media in order to reach the largest possible public.
  • The creation and management of a place of study and relaxation to be offered to people active and involved in the intellectual and cultural fields. To those people, the Foundation Council can grant a stay at Eranos for short or longer periods either at free or at a moderate charge.




. top "Homepage"



Join the ERANOS Circle !

. top "Homepage"

Become our supporter and enjoy the benefits

The Eranos Foundation's cultural programs, generously supported by public and private contributions, intend to continue to move, gradually, in the direction of a partial self-financing of its activities. Nevertheless, it is our explicit desire to continue to provide high-quality cultural initiatives, if possible, entirely free of charge, as well as to offer, alongside the scientific activities, moments of informal and convivial meeting, which represent particularly appreciated opportunities for dialogue with our lecturers. In order to meet these needs, in 2016 we conceived the idea of establishing a club of supporters of Eranos, named - with an explicit reference to the Foundation's history - Eranos Circle, whose objective is to gather the Foundation's affectionate frequenters and guarantee them, in addition to the usual activities promoted at Ascona-Moscia and Monte Verità, a series of additional benefits.


There are also several projects underway to valorize the documents kept in the historical Eranos Archives: very rich materials (manuscripts, letters, photographs), which have grown over the decades thanks to the untiring work of our founder, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (1881&endash;1962), and her successors. The critical edition of these materials &endash; which is part of the primary mandate of the Aragno Eranos Ascona Publishing House, founded for this purpose in 2019 &endash; can be supported through ad hoc donations (personal and institutional), of which the Foundation is committed to give notice in the context of their publication. For more information and an overview of current projects eligible for support, please contact us.




. top "Homepage"



In 2022, there are four ways to join the Eranos Circle

- Supporting Fellow (annual membership fee of CHF / EUR / USD 100), with the right to receive a copy of the publications produced by the Foundation during the year, including the Eranos Yearbook and the monographic volumes of the Saggi di Eranos series.

- Patronizing Fellow (annual membership fee of CHF / EUR / USD 300), with the right, in addition to the benefits provided for the Supporting Fellow, to the free participation to the Eranos Conference (Tagung) and to a reduced fee for the Eranos School activities.

- Benefactor Fellow (annual membership fee of CHF / EUR / USD 1000), with the right, in addition to the benefits provided for the Supporting Fellow and the Patronizing Fellow, to the invitation to the inaugural dinner of the Eranos Conference (Tagung) and to the free participation to all the Eranos School activities.

- Exclusive Fellow (annual membership fee of CHF / EUR / USD 2000), with the right, in addition to the benefits provided for the Supporting Fellow, the Patronizing Fellow, and the Benefactor Fellow, to receive the first 30 volumes of the series of the Eranos-Jahrbücher I/1933-XXX/1961 in anastatic reprint (special edition in a box set, not for sale) and the possibility to sojourn for three nights free of charge at Eranos, in the historical structures of the Foundation, for a personal retreat or for a stay to be gifted to others.

The current Foundation Council

. top "Homepage"

Current Board of the Eranos Foundation

Regional Director, Head of Basic Training Division, Regional Head of the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET- IUFFP Istituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione Professionale). Professore di Etica della Comunicazione, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy.
Managing Director Filmfestival Locarno
Maurizio CHECCHI,
Vice Mayor of Ascona
Divisione della cultura e degli studi universitari
Government of Cantone Ticino

Claudio METZGER,
Historian and numismatic, Ascona
Prof .emeritus UNIv Fribourg
Attached functions:

Legal advisor to the Foundation
since 2011: Giovanni MERLINI
Scientific secretariate:
Location manager:
Monica Pongelli
Former members since relaunch 2006:
- Gianni Aprile (member 2014-2020)
Luca Pissoglio (member 2009-2014)
- John Van Praag (president, 2005-2009)
- Laiping Fok van Praag (member 2006-2009)
- Aldo Rampazzi (member 2005-2008)
- Fausto Castiglione (member 2007-2009)
- Mauro Martinoni (member 2005-2007)


. top "Homepage"



Brief history of the Eranos Foundation

. top "Homepage"

Meaning of Eranos
The word 'Eranos', in Greek language, applies to a banquet, both spiritual and material, which lasts thanks to the contributions each participant makes. The Hungarian mythologist Karl Kerenyi took the original meaning of the word, which appears for the first time in Greek literature in Homer's Odyssey, in terms of a 'spiritual nucleus': this was to be developed by participants in an atmosphere of freedom and spontaneity, with songs, poems, improvised verses, or with a symbolical offering to the group.

From 1933 onwards, a modern Eranos took place again and lasted for more than seventy years at Ascona-Moscia, on the Swiss side of Lago Maggiore. It was there that Olga Fröbe Kapteyn's idea to create a 'free space for the spirit', a 'meeting place between East and West' took shape, and where the relation between the individual, the spirit and the peculiar images of the soul were to be unceasingly re-imagined.

The Eranos Tagungen
The banquet, alive thanks to the 'love-gifts' brought by participants in the form of lectures and discussions, was symbolised by the Round Table, the image and meaning of which, together with the monument dedicated to the 'unknown spirit of the place' and the conference room full of light opening on Lago Maggiore and the mountains, inspired many of the main thinkers of the Twentieth Century. During the August Meetings, after each conference, the lecturers would give their original paper in exchange for Olga Fröbe's hospitality, as a result of which a rich collection of more than sixty Yearbooks (Jahrbücher) now bears testimony to an immense work accomplished in various fields of learning.

The influence of Carl Gustav Jung
Under the influence of the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) in particular, the Eranos Meetings found their way towards symbolical, archetypal and mythological motives: as mentioned by Adolf Portmann and Rudolf Ritsema in 1978, these were features that seemed to refer to a distinct sub-structure of the human being, which we could call 'a-historical' or 'archaic', and to which Eranos had always been deeply bound. Notwithstanding the great influence of Jung, in whom Olga Fröbe found a fundamental shift from individualistic psychology towards the archetype world, an additional dimension was introduced through the encounter with the Sinologist Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930); it was thanks to him that Olga Fröbe had access for the first time to the Far-Eastern thought and she found a way of meeting with the extra-European cultures on a level of equality. In addition, the historian of religions, Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), introduced Eranos's founder to a human-centred conception of religion and mysticism.

Since the end of the 1930's, the program of the conferences thus concentrated on a specific archetype theme chosen from year to year, analysed and amplified by manifold perspectives thanks to the lecturers' contributions: psychologists, philosophers, theologians, orientalists, historians of religions, ethnologists, Indologists, Islamists, Egyptologists, mythologists and scientists found in the Eranos conferences and in the informal talks held around the great Round Table a place where they could meet and feel that their highly specialised creative work, as mentioned by M. Eliade in 1960, acquired a deeper meaning when being presented and re-formulated as a contribution to the knowledge of mankind.

Since the 1940's, the theme of the Conferences was man and his relation to the world, which would later flow into the idea of a new humanism resulting from Eranos's work. Close to the interest in the symbolical production of the human soul, its speech and peculiarity of expression in legends and fairy-tales, mythic images and religious figures, dreams, art, poetry and music, it appears next to the idea of possible syncretism between scientific and humanistic disciplines, and, especially in more recent years, between Eastern and Western thought

Decline and revival of Eranos
Text in preparation

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. . . .. . . . . . .








Our Partners and sponsors

. top "Homepage"

. top "Homepage"

The Eranos Foundation could never have seen its rebirth without the support of the following institutions, to whom we remain sincerely grateful for trusting our vision: .


. Public sponsors:

. Their logos:

Government of Cantone Ticino


Comune di Ascona


- 2009-2015
Ente turistico Lago Maggiore


.Private partners:

. Their logos:

2004-2015: The Fetzer institute


2005-xxxx The Pacifica Graduate Institute


- 2010-xxxx Monte verità Ascona


- 2011-2015
Banca della Svizzera italiana BSI


- 2015-xxx
Banca EFG


- 2017-xxxx Valeur Investments


Annual Programs Archive

. top "Homepage"

. top "Homepage"


...........Programs & WEB pages


..........Annual reports (PDF to download)


Year 2017 (anno 2017)

. top "Homepage"
. go to NewsArchiveList

..- LINK to 2017 Annual program Page

....click to download:
...- Annual report 2017 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2017 (PDF)


Eranos-Jung Lectures 2017


.. - Who is afraid of interiority?


- 10.02.17, EJL17-01, A. Prete (Uni Siena)


.. - Il cielo nascosto.


- 28.04.17, EJL17-02, A Vitolo (AIPA Roma-Napoli)


.. - Dare spazio al tempo interiore


- 12.05.17, EJL17-03, E. Trevi (Scrittore, Roma)


.. - Dall'interiorità all'intimità: ...


- 02.06.17, EJL17-04, G.O. Longo (Uni Trieste


.. - Esteriorità versus interiorità...


- dd.mm.18, EJL17-05, C. Gamberale (Scrittrice, Roma)


.. - Fra il troppo e il niente...


- 13.10.17, EJL17-06, F. Merlini (IUFFP, Eranos)


.. - Fruga dall'interiorità...


Eranos Tagung 2017

.. - Tagung 2017: Where is the World going?


- 07-09 September, Tagung 2017, Casa Eranos

.. - Tagung 2017...Where is the World going?


Eranos School 2017

.. - Titles 2017

- 01.04.17, ESC16-01, (Moscia), G. P. Quaglino

.. - Dialogare con l'Ombra

- 21.10.17, ESC16-03, (Moscia), G. P. Quaglino

.. - Semplificare: la nobile arte della sottrazione...

- 11.11,17, ESC16-02, (Moscia), G. P. Quaglino

.. - Meglio introversi?


Year 2016 (anno 2016)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2016 Annual program Page

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2016 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2016 (PDF)


.. top "Homepage"

Eranos-Jung Lectures 2016,
Mt Verità Ascona ,
Full list



.. - Myths that speak to ßus...


- 19.02.16, EJL16-01, N. Ordine (Uni Calabria)


.. - Il mito di Narciso e le origini della pittura: ...


- 18.03.16, EJL16-02, D. Susanetti (Uni Padova)


.. - L'arrivo di Dioniso... tra iniziazione e politica


- 20.05.16, EJL16-03, S.Tagliagambe (Uni Sassari)


.. - Attualità del mito di Perseo. Progettare è progettarsi


- 07.10.16, EJL16-04, S. Vegetti Finzi (Uni Pavia)


.. - La forza delle donne tra potenza di generare ...


- 18.11.16, EJL16-05, F. Ferrari (Uni Salerno).


.. - La condizione umana secondo il mito della caverna:...


- 16.12.16, EJL16-06, M. Bettini (Uni Siena)


.. - lI "mito" tra autorità e discredito...



.. - Title

.. - Title


Eranos Tagung 2016

.. - The Origins of the World...


- 07-09 September, Tagung 2016, Casa Eranos

.. - Tagung 2016: The Origins of the World.


Eranos School 2016

.. - Titles 2016

- 16.04.16, .ESC16-02, (Moscia), G. P. Quaglino

.. - Da dove cominciare a cambiare ...

- 29.04.16, .ESC16-03, (MtV), R. Cazzola & F. Merlini

.. - Ubicumque. Saggio sul tempo e o spazio ...

- 14.05.16, .ESC16-04, (Moscia), G. Sorge

.. - Manipolazioni del mito e tentazioni totalitarie...

- 02+03.06, ESC16-05, (Moscia), AAVV

.. - Interiorità e coscienza: modelli filosofici ...

- 25.06.16, .ESC16-01, (Moscia), G. P. Quaglino

.. - Sul buon uso della solitudine...

- 29+30.10, ESC16-06, (Moscia), AAVV,

.. - Spiritualità e scienza ... di Raimon Panikkar.

- 12.11.16, .ESC16-07, (Moscia), GP Quaglino

...- La tristezza è una grande risorsa....

- dd.mm.16 ES16-08, Place, AAVV

.. - Title...

Year 2015 (anno 2015)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2016 Annual program Page.

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2015 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2015 (PDF)


Eranos-Jung Lectures 2015,



The feelings of absence:
abandonement, solitude, nostalgia


- EJL15_01, 13.02.15, F. Petrella (Pavia)


.. - Nostalgia: tema con variazioni


- EJL15_02, 13.03.15, A. Prete (Siena)


.. - Fantasmagorie dell'assenza ...


- EJL15_03, 17.04.15, B. Cassin (Paris)


.. - Ulysse et la nostalgie


- EJL15_04, 29.05.15, M. De Carolis (Salerno)


.. - I sentimenti delll'inadeguatezza ...


- EJL15_05, 12.06.15, R. Cazzola (Adelphi ed.)


.. - Presenza degli assenti. Storia, memoria e narrazione...


- EJL15_06, 16.10.15, G. Bonola (Roma)


.. - La muta del serpente. Il buddhismo, l'inevitabile e ...


- EJL15_07, 20.11.15, M. Mazzeo (U. Calabria)


.. - Apologia del melanconico ...

- EJL15_08, 11.12.15, F. Merlini (Eranos)

.. - La coscienza infelice e la malinconia del futuro


Eranos Tagung 2015

.. - The Roots of Evil ...


- Tagung 2015, 09-11 September, Casa Eranos

.. - Tagung 2015: The Roots of Evil....

- Symposium 2015: 12 September, Monte Verità

.. - Simposium Tagung 2015.


- Archives: 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010


Eranos School 2015

.. - Titles 2015

- ES15_01, 30.01.15, Mt. Verità, AAVV

.. - Mito, donna e diritto in Johann Jakob Bachofen...

- ES15_02, 07.02.15, Eranos, G. Marchianò

.. - Il farmaco della meraviglia: come stupirsi da adulti...

- ES15_03, 28.02.15, Mt. Verità, AAVV

.. - L'ombra della filosofia nei "Quaderni neri" di M. Heidegger...

- ES15_04, 09.05.15, Eranos, G. P. Quaglino

.. - Coltivare il giardino interiore ...

- ES15_05, 18-19.06, Mt. Verità, AAVV

.. - Filosofia della cultura per la crisi: seminario dottorale...

- ES15_06, 20.06.15, Eranos, AAVV

.. - un mondo in comune. La risposta convivialista ...

- ES15_07, 10-11.10, Eranos, AAVV

. - l teatro degli archetipi (cancelled)

- ES15_08, dd.10.15, cancelled

.. - Il genius loci (cancelled)

Year 2014 (anno 2014)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2014 Annual program Page..

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2014 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2014 (PDF)


Eranos-Jung Lectures 2014,
Mt Verità Ascona ,
Full list


The Soul in the Age of Neurosciences...
The point of view of natural sciences


- EJL14_01, 07.02.14, G.O.Longo (Trieste)


.. - Anima artificiale?


- EJL14_02, 14.03.14, A. Fasolo (Torino)


.. - Il cervello fra caso e necessità


- EJL14_03, 16.05.14, M. De Carolis (Salerno)


.. - La natura dello spirito


- EJL14_04, 06.06.14, G. Berlucchi (Verona)


.. - Cervello, corpo e mente


- EJL14_05, 24.10.14, S.A. Aglioti (Sapienza Roma)


.. - Il cervello mistico


- EJL14_06, 14.11.14, F. Vigna (ARPA)


.. - Il ritorno dell'isteria: l'anima a confronto con la modernità


- EJL14_07, 12.12.14, S. Tagliagambe (Sassari)


.. - L'Io ed il Sé ai tempi delle neuroscienze


Eranos Tagung 2014

.. - 2014: "Care of the World and of the Self"....


- Tagung 2014, 03-06 September, Casa Eranos

.. - Tagung 2014: Care of the wWorld and of the Self

- Symposium 2014: 06 September, Monte Verità

.. - Simposium Tagung 2014 -> look at PICTURES!


- Archives: 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010


Eranos School 2014

.. - Titles 2014

- ES14_04, 12.04.14, Eranos, L. Zoja (IAAP)

.. - Parlare di utopia nel XXI secolo

- ES14_05, 26.04.14, Eranos, G. Sorge (Zürich)

.. - Tentazioni totalitarie (...): il caso di CG Jung e M Eliade

- ES14_06, 22-23.05.14, Eranos, AAVV

.. - I luoghi e l'atmosfera della cura

- ES14_09, 22.11.14, Eranos, R. Bernardini (Eranos)

.. - In analisi con Jung: i diari di E. H. von Pelet

Year 2013 (anno 2013)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2013 Annual program Page..

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2013 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2013 (PDF)


Eranos-Jung Lectures 2013, Mt Verità Ascona
full list


The Soul in the Age of Neurosciences...


- EJL-01, 11.01,2013, Prof. P. Barcellona (Catania)


il destino dell'anima


- EJL-02, 01.02.2013, Prof. F. Ferrari (Salerno)


I confini dell'anima nel pensiero antico


- EJL-03, 01.03.2013, Prof. B. Nante (Buenos Aires)


Scienza ed esperienza religiosa. Una prospettiva junghiana


- EJL-04, 19.04.2013, Prof. A. Prete (Siena)


Nel tempo-spazio dell'anima: lontananza e prossimità del tu


- EJL-05, 31.05.2013, Dr. G. Paris (PGI,Santa Barbara)


Jung is passé, Jung is of the future. (...)


. EJL-06, 07.06.2013, A. Malinconico & S. Tagliagambe


Pauli e Jung. Le convergenze tra cultura scientifica e umanistica


- EJL-07, 25.10.2013, Prof. F. Merlini (Lugano)


Anime belle e bellezze senz'anima


- EJL-08, 07.11.2013, Prof.ssa A. Valtolina (Bergamo)


(...) Le neuroscienze al tempo della poesia


- EJL-09, 06.12.2013, Prof. Gian Piero Quaglino (Torino)


L'anima non abita più qui


. Eranos School 2013

.Titles 2013


- ES-01, 23.02.2013, Prof. L. Zoja, Moscia, seminario

Paranoia: una realtà che non riguarda solo la psichiatria


- ES-03, 01-02.06.2013, Dr. G Paris, Moscia

Recovering from Heartbreak, Mourning, Loss

- ES-04, 28-29.09.2013, Prof. M. Gasseau, Moscia

Inconscio collettivo e transgenerazionale ...


. Eranos Tagung 2013

.Theme 2013: "Money"....


- Tagung 2013: 4-6 September, Eranos Moscia

Money: enchantement and disenchantement

- Symposium 2013: 07 September, Monte Verità

Tagung 2013: Public Symposium day 4


- ARCHIVES: Tagung 2012; Tagung 2011; Tagung 2010

Visit our archives!


.Eranos distinguished guest seminars

.Titles 2013

- 25-28 July 2013, Moscia, GM Walch Seminar

Die Weisheit der Träume und der Sterne


- 07-17 October 2013, Moscia, Pacifica Graduate Institute

Pacifica: The Legacy Tour 2013

- 20-24 October 2013, Moscia, Pacifica Graduate Institute

Pacifica at Eranos: Psyche and the Sacred

Year 2012 (anno 2012)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2012 Annual program Page..

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2012 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2012 (PDF)

....- 29.11.2012

.EJL-eclissi Event 06

....- 12.10.2012

.EJL-eclissi Event 05

....- Sept 2012

.Eranos Yearbook 70

....- 05.09 - 08.09

.Eranos Tagung 2012

....- 29.06 - 01.07

.Eranos School 2012

....- June 22

.EJL-eclissi Event 04

...- May 11-12

.EJL-Finsternis Event 03

...- Mar. 30

.EJL-eclissi Event 02

...- Mar. 02

.EJL-eclissi Event 01

...- February 2012

.Activity report 2011 Italiano // English


Year 2011 (anno 2011)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

...- LINK to 2011 Annual program Page..

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2011 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2011 (PDF)

.. - Jan . 2011


.. Activity report 2010

...- 02.12.2011

."Junghiane 2011", evento 08

...- 18.11.2011

."Junghiane 2011", evento 07

...- 17.10.2011

."Junghiane 2011", evento 06

...- 23.09.2011

."Junghiane 2011", evento 05

...- 8-10.9.2011

.Eranos Tagung 2011 + Public event

...- 14.08.2011


.Fetzer "Love & Musical Arts"

...- 10.06.2011


."Junghiane 2011", evento 04

...- 14.05.2011


."Junghiane 2011", evento 03

...- 31.03.2011


."Junghiane 2011", evento 02

.. - 03.02.2011


."Junghiane 2011", evento 01

...- Jun . 2010


...Yearbook N 69, 2006-2008 !

.. - 2010 - 2011


..News archive










Year 2010 (anno 2010)

. top "Homepage"

. go to Program Archive List

.....click to download:
...- Annual report 2010 (PDF)
...- Rapporto annuale 2010 (PDF)




.. - 11.12.2010

.Il Libro Rosso: scorci su CG Jung
The Red Book: glimpses on CG Jung

.. - 23.10.2010

Convegno Alchimiarte Monte Verità

. .- 30.08.2010

Conferenza stampa Eranos

.. - 14-15.10.2010

Fetzer Event 2010

. .- 29.08.2010

Public Debate Monte Verità

.. - 26-28.08.2010

Eranos Tagung 2010









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